Boost Your Health, Grow Your Food

Boost your health – start with sprouts Start with sprouts One of the easiest ways of boosting your health and ensuring that you get the best quality, organic & freshest fruits & vegetables on tap, is to grow your own. Even if you start small with an indoor ‘sprouts’ garden for alfalfa, mung beans, pea […]
Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

We have all experienced a rapid heart rate as a response to a stressor at some time. Whether it is being late for work or school, not meeting a deadline or almost getting hit by a car when crossing the road, the stress will generally result in shallow, fast breathing that activates a release of cortisol, adrenalin […]
5 Lifestyle Changes that Could Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks

Adopt these 5 “low-risk” behaviours to help reduce your chances of heart attack. Here are 5 Lifestyle Tips: Choose a healthy diet – eat freshly prepared wholefoods including clean protein, good fats, high fibre vegetables, seeds & nuts, legumes, lentils and eggs; avoid refined, processed choices. Be physically active – choose to exercise each day […]
Are Eggs Bad for Your Cholesterol?

Several decades ago we were misled into believing that eggs raised cholesterol levels and people were warned off consuming them. Broad-range studies (meta-analyses) have revealed that eggs do not have a detrimental impact on cholesterol levels and are actually one of the most healthful foods you can eat. All eggs are not created equal though: […]
Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

Cholesterol is a white, insoluble, waxy substance that is manufactured in your liver. Your body needs cholesterol for many vital metabolic processes, such as making hormones, producing vitamin D, producing bile acids to help digest fat, etc. When people regularly consume foods high in saturated fats (Salami, sausages, processed meats, deep-fried foods, etc), their livers manufacture […]