How To Lose Belly Fat

No amount of daily sit-ups will help you lose belly fat. Some lifestyle, exercise and dietary adjustments are necessary. Incorporate a few changes at a time so you are not overwhelmed. Exercise adjustments: Include HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) one to two times a week, for about 20 mins a session. Muscle tissue burns 3-5 times […]
Why Sitting is Bad for You!

Just as exercise can’t counteract the effects of smoking, it can not counteract the effects of sitting for lengthy periods of the day. Here’s Why Sitting is bad for you: After 1 hour of being seated – electrical activity in our muscles and our ability to burn calories both reduce significantly. After 3 hours – our […]
Is Anxiety Getting the Better of You?

Most of us have felt the unsettling symptoms of anxiety at some point. Here are some daily tips to support better overall wellbeing and to help manage stress and anxiety: Daily Tips to reduce anxiety: 1) Connect with friends – keeping in touch with friends maintains our support network. 2) Exercise (ideally outdoors) – […]
5 Easy Steps to Stop Eating Processed Foods!

Processed foods may be convenient and sometimes cheaper, but don’t underestimate how they can damage our health in the long-run. 5 easy steps, to wean yourself off refined, processed foods: Avoid anything that comes in a packet with a bar code and a list of ingredients that you can’t pronounce. These are ultra-processed foods, which […]
4 Foods that Help Reduce Sugar Cravings

Excluding addictions to alcohol and drugs, the next greatest addiction is sugar. Refined sugar is a very powerful stimulant, which is added to almost all the prepared food we eat. It has a drug-like effect on the body, so people can develop a dependency on it. This is why it is so hard for many people […]
What Happens in Your Body When You Exercise?

A large number of biological changes occur from head to toe, when you exercise. These changes occur in your: Muscles – which use glucose & ATP (a chemical compound that is in all living tissue), for contraction and movement. By increasing your breathing rate, more oxygen is introduced and your heart starts pumping more blood […]
Should I Be Taking Probiotics?

The answer lies in paying attention to your body. If you have any of the following 7 signs, I suggest you take a therapeutic probiotic (high strength) to improve the balance of your gut bacteria: 7 Signs that suggest you may need probiotics: You have taken antibiotics in the last 6-12 months – you may […]
Easy Steps to Feel Better Fast

Our brains are our control-centres, for decision-making and mood. Here are some easy steps to jump start your brain in the morning and feel better fast. Try These Simple Steps Water your brain on rising – your brain is 80% water, so even the slightest dehydration can elevate stress hormones and impair physical power and […]
What You May Not Know About Sleep!

Sleep affects every aspect of our life, but for many of us a sound and refreshing sleep completely evades us! Did you know: about 30% of us suffer from insomnia at some point in our life around 25% of children diagnosed with ADHD have a sleep disorder. When poor sleep is addressed, their symptoms disappear. one night […]
What We Should All Know about Homocysteine

Homocysteine is a protein that occurs naturally in our blood. Sometimes when it’s conversion is impaired due to nutritional deficiencies, homocysteine levels rise and this is dangerous to our health. These high levels have been linked with cardiovascular disease, migraine, cognitive decline, diabetes, osteoporosis and macular degeneration. You can regulate your homocysteine levels by: reducing coffee […]
Boost Your Health with Apple Cider Vinegar!

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used in the kitchen and medicinally for a very long time. 3 healthful reasons to keep a bottle on hand: Sore throat – gargle with a mix of apple cider vinegar and warm water, 1 Tbsp vinegar and 1/2 cup of water, to relieve a sore throat. Gargle and swallow. Can […]
Best & Worst Foods for your Skin

The 5 WORST foods for good skin health are: Sugar: eating excess sugar causes elevated insulin levels, stimulating sebum production, which can result in acne breakouts. On average, Australians consume over 20 teas per day of sugar. Excess sugar also binds with collagen & elastin in the skin, resulting in wrinkles. Dairy: these are pro-inflammatory foods, which […]
Sugar Tax or Fix the Sugar Cravings?

Australian teenage boys now consume on average more than 38 tsp of sugar per day. Over half of the Australian population consumes more sugar than the daily recommendation of the World Health Organisation, which is less than 13 tsp of sugar per day. Most of it is coming from sugary drinks and processed food. Public […]