Boost Your Health, Grow Your Food

Boost your health – start with sprouts Start with sprouts One of the easiest ways of boosting your health and ensuring that you get the best quality, organic & freshest fruits & vegetables on tap, is to grow your own. Even if you start small with an indoor ‘sprouts’ garden for alfalfa, mung beans, pea […]
Want To Live Longer, Live Healthier? Who Doesn’t!

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]… Start by looking after your “telomeres”. These are the tiny end units of our DNA strands, which prevent the DNA from unraveling. (… Think of a shoelace which has it’s ends bound tightly.) As our cells replicate our telomeres shorten. Longer telomeres lead to longevity. So how do […]
How To Lose Belly Fat

No amount of daily sit-ups will help you lose belly fat. Some lifestyle, exercise and dietary adjustments are necessary. Incorporate a few changes at a time so you are not overwhelmed. Exercise adjustments: Include HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) one to two times a week, for about 20 mins a session. Muscle tissue burns 3-5 times […]
5 Lifestyle Changes that Could Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks

Adopt these 5 “low-risk” behaviours to help reduce your chances of heart attack. Here are 5 Lifestyle Tips: Choose a healthy diet – eat freshly prepared wholefoods including clean protein, good fats, high fibre vegetables, seeds & nuts, legumes, lentils and eggs; avoid refined, processed choices. Be physically active – choose to exercise each day […]
Do You Have the Guts?

Our gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or gut is essentially a complex ‘tube’ that runs from our mouth right through the body to the colon. It is responsible for a multitude of functions: digestion, hydration, maintaining immunity, nutrient absorption and eliminating toxins. If it is not functioning properly, not only can you experience a host of uncomfortable symptoms, […]
To Defeat Stress, Eat What’s Best!

Here are 5 great foods to help you de-stress: Avocado – rich in glutathione which blocks your gut from absorbing bad fats, that cause oxidative damage. Also high in folate, good fats and potassium to help stabilise blood pressure. Berries – contain high levels of a particular antioxidant (anthocyanin) which helps improve cognition and slows […]
Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

Cholesterol is a white, insoluble, waxy substance that is manufactured in your liver. Your body needs cholesterol for many vital metabolic processes, such as making hormones, producing vitamin D, producing bile acids to help digest fat, etc. When people regularly consume foods high in saturated fats (Salami, sausages, processed meats, deep-fried foods, etc), their livers manufacture […]
Are You on Toxic Overload?

Every day we are subjected to many thousands of chemicals and toxic compounds in our environment. Adding to this burden are our internal toxins, many of which originate from an unhealthy gut. Further disruption may occur with poor dietary and lifestyle choices & emotional stress, that may cause even more deterioration of the gut lining, […]
Switch Off Your Sugar Cravings!

Apart from alcohol and drugs, the next biggest addiction in the Western World is “sugar”. Refined sugar is a very powerful stimulant, which has a drug-like effect on the body, so people can develop a dependency on it. What are sugars? Sugars belong to one of the major nutrient groups, called carbohydrates. This food group includes: […]
Secrets to Fat Loss

Four scientifically proven tips to losing fat: Eat 3 meals & 2 snacks per day, every day. This boosts the “thermogenic” effect of food, which means once your food is digested, the energy produced is utilised in the fat-burning process. Include “good fats” in small amounts with each meal, as they encourage fat burning and […]
Quick & Easy Weekly Weight loss Tips With Merridy

Top 2 Weight Loss Tips for this week: 1) Remove your hunger by enjoying a balanced meal. Quit dieting and start eating the right food at the right time of day, to lose weight. 2) Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Eat your first meal no later than 8am to get […]
Natural Weight Loss Tips Without Exercise With Merridy

Get your weekly weight loss tips here! Top 2 tips for this week: 1) Spring clean your pantry now. Clean out all of the foods that are not going to move you in the right direction. Pass on any foods not on this list: quality protein (lean meats, fish/seafood, free range chicken/turkey, eggs, yoghurt & quality […]
5 Reasons to include quinoa in your diet

Reasons to Include Quinoa in your diet 1) Quinoa is a seed which is high in amino acids (protein) and essential fats. It also contains healthy low GI carbohydrates which help to satisfy hunger and provide a source of energy. 2) It is a great alternative to wheat, while although it’s not a grain, it can […]
10 easy ways to eat more fruits and veggies

Is your diet looking pretty “beige?” If your plate of food lacks a variety of colour, chances are you’re not getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet. You may be missing lots of healthy fibre, minerals and vitamins and other healthy nutrients that help fight disease. Here are some easy tips to increase your […]