How To Lose Belly Fat

No amount of daily sit-ups will help you lose belly fat. Some lifestyle, exercise and dietary adjustments are necessary. Incorporate a few changes at a time so you are not overwhelmed. Exercise adjustments: Include HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) one to two times a week, for about 20 mins a session. Muscle tissue burns 3-5 times […]
Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

We have all experienced a rapid heart rate as a response to a stressor at some time. Whether it is being late for work or school, not meeting a deadline or almost getting hit by a car when crossing the road, the stress will generally result in shallow, fast breathing that activates a release of cortisol, adrenalin […]
What Happens in Your Body When You Exercise?

A large number of biological changes occur from head to toe, when you exercise. These changes occur in your: Muscles – which use glucose & ATP (a chemical compound that is in all living tissue), for contraction and movement. By increasing your breathing rate, more oxygen is introduced and your heart starts pumping more blood […]
Should I Be Taking Probiotics?

The answer lies in paying attention to your body. If you have any of the following 7 signs, I suggest you take a therapeutic probiotic (high strength) to improve the balance of your gut bacteria: 7 Signs that suggest you may need probiotics: You have taken antibiotics in the last 6-12 months – you may […]
Calorie-Counting Does Not Work!

Calories are not all created equal! Many people still believe that if you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. This is a simplistic and outdated notion that has many flaws. The source of the calories makes all the difference – eg. identical calorie counts from fructose, glucose, protein and fat, will cause entirely different […]
Best & Worst Foods for your Skin

The 5 WORST foods for good skin health are: Sugar: eating excess sugar causes elevated insulin levels, stimulating sebum production, which can result in acne breakouts. On average, Australians consume over 20 teas per day of sugar. Excess sugar also binds with collagen & elastin in the skin, resulting in wrinkles. Dairy: these are pro-inflammatory foods, which […]
Don’t Delay, Get Healthy Today!

We often think of “getting healthy” as something we’ll get around to once we’ve taken care of all the important things. Why is it that we don’t have time to exercise, or shop for nourishing food or cook gourmet healthy meals? Lack of time seems to drive everything. Fast-food has become a multi-billion dollar industry. […]
Crank Up Your Metabolism!

Eat and exercise right and speed up your metabolism now! One reason people tend to gain weight as they age is because their metabolism slows down dramatically, often due to poor lifestyle choices. Eg. less exercise, overeating, eating too few meals, or eating too many refined processed carbohydrates. Other reasons may include: taking certain medications, […]
Are your hormones inharmonious?

It is completely normal for hormone levels to change throughout your lifetime. From the onset of puberty through to menopause, your reproductive hormones are constantly fluctuating, however if they are too high or too low, they can impact on how you feel every day. Signs that your hormones are out of balance: Moody & agitated […]