5 Easy Tips For a Better Sleep

Are you getting enough? More quality sleep = far better health. As adults we need somewhere between 7-8 hours of good quality sleep each night to allow our best chances of recovery and regeneration overnight. This helps maximise our energy levels and brain power for the following day. Poor sleep can impact on our health […]
Want To Live Longer, Live Healthier? Who Doesn’t!

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]… Start by looking after your “telomeres”. These are the tiny end units of our DNA strands, which prevent the DNA from unraveling. (… Think of a shoelace which has it’s ends bound tightly.) As our cells replicate our telomeres shorten. Longer telomeres lead to longevity. So how do […]
How To Lose Belly Fat

No amount of daily sit-ups will help you lose belly fat. Some lifestyle, exercise and dietary adjustments are necessary. Incorporate a few changes at a time so you are not overwhelmed. Exercise adjustments: Include HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) one to two times a week, for about 20 mins a session. Muscle tissue burns 3-5 times […]
Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

We have all experienced a rapid heart rate as a response to a stressor at some time. Whether it is being late for work or school, not meeting a deadline or almost getting hit by a car when crossing the road, the stress will generally result in shallow, fast breathing that activates a release of cortisol, adrenalin […]
7 Ways to Ease Migraine Pain & Reduce Your Risk

Migraine headaches can be debilitating. Follow these 7 steps to help prevent future attacks and reduce the pain when you have a migraine. 7 Preventive Tips for Migraine Attacks Avoid processed foods containing nitrates – these are found in cured & processed meats, canned vegetables, packaged seafood, hotdogs, etc. Reduce or avoid common food triggers […]
Is Anxiety Getting the Better of You?

Most of us have felt the unsettling symptoms of anxiety at some point. Here are some daily tips to support better overall wellbeing and to help manage stress and anxiety: Daily Tips to reduce anxiety: 1) Connect with friends – keeping in touch with friends maintains our support network. 2) Exercise (ideally outdoors) – […]
What Happens in Your Body When You Exercise?

A large number of biological changes occur from head to toe, when you exercise. These changes occur in your: Muscles – which use glucose & ATP (a chemical compound that is in all living tissue), for contraction and movement. By increasing your breathing rate, more oxygen is introduced and your heart starts pumping more blood […]
Should I Be Taking Probiotics?

The answer lies in paying attention to your body. If you have any of the following 7 signs, I suggest you take a therapeutic probiotic (high strength) to improve the balance of your gut bacteria: 7 Signs that suggest you may need probiotics: You have taken antibiotics in the last 6-12 months – you may […]
What You May Not Know About Sleep!

Sleep affects every aspect of our life, but for many of us a sound and refreshing sleep completely evades us! Did you know: about 30% of us suffer from insomnia at some point in our life around 25% of children diagnosed with ADHD have a sleep disorder. When poor sleep is addressed, their symptoms disappear. one night […]
To Defeat Stress, Eat What’s Best!

Here are 5 great foods to help you de-stress: Avocado – rich in glutathione which blocks your gut from absorbing bad fats, that cause oxidative damage. Also high in folate, good fats and potassium to help stabilise blood pressure. Berries – contain high levels of a particular antioxidant (anthocyanin) which helps improve cognition and slows […]
Tips to Turbo-charge Your Metabolism

Genetics do play a role in our metabolic make-up, but our metabolism is also strongly influenced by our body composition, diet and lifestyle. These tips will help boost your metabolism into overdrive: Lift weights – build muscle with weight-bearing exercise. This increased muscle mass means we burn more calories even at rest. Choose clean food – […]
Preventing Panic Attacks

Millions of people suffer way too much anxiety. They can spend time predicting the worst, trying to avoid conflict, being wracked by nervousness and chronic muscle tension. It’s as if their “idle” is set too high and they frequently experience self-doubt, fear and panic. The good news is you can take control of your symptoms […]
Is A Good Night’s Sleep Only a Dream?

Sleep deprivation is hazardous to our health! Major health risks include: weight gain, Type 2 Diabetes, ADHD, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, stroke, etc. Millions of Australians have trouble sleeping and it is progressively getting worse with an ever increasing number of electronic gadgets and bad habits. When you fail to get enough sleep, there is decreased blood […]
Close to Tears Often?

We can learn to build emotional resilience, to help negate the effects of stress. Here are 5 tips to get you there: Practice abdominal breathing and lengthen your out-breath to calm your nervous system, ie. breathe in for 4 counts and out for 8. Accept that adversity is part of life and be prepared to experience […]
Are You on Toxic Overload?

Every day we are subjected to many thousands of chemicals and toxic compounds in our environment. Adding to this burden are our internal toxins, many of which originate from an unhealthy gut. Further disruption may occur with poor dietary and lifestyle choices & emotional stress, that may cause even more deterioration of the gut lining, […]
Puzzled by Weight Loss?

Our ability to lose weight is not just about what we eat and how much exercise we manage to squeeze in on a daily basis. These are only 2 pieces of a more complex puzzle. Sleep and stress are often overlooked and yet they are absolutely critical for optimal health. But neither contain calories, […]
Are You Stoking the Fire?

The human body is designed to cope with short-term inflammation. For example, when we sprain an ankle or cut a finger, the affected area turns red, swells and becomes hot & sore. This inflammatory reaction is our immune response in overdrive, attempting to fight off infection and creating a protective cushion around the injury while it […]
Switch Off Your Sugar Cravings!

Apart from alcohol and drugs, the next biggest addiction in the Western World is “sugar”. Refined sugar is a very powerful stimulant, which has a drug-like effect on the body, so people can develop a dependency on it. What are sugars? Sugars belong to one of the major nutrient groups, called carbohydrates. This food group includes: […]
Beat Stress Before it Beats You …

What is Stress Doing to Your Body? A chronic state of stress can have widespread negative effects, such as: Poor digestion ? reduced digestive secretions can lead to symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhoea, IBS or reflux. Irregular blood sugar control ? the hormone cortisol signals the release of sugars into […]
Finding it hard to get to sleep at night?

Try a simple breathing exercise and you could be asleep in 60 seconds! For the “4-7-8 Method”, follow these easy steps: 1) Lie in bed on your back, legs out-stretched and arms by your sides. 2) Close eyes gently & relax. 3) Take a deep breath in, and let out slowly with a “whooshing” sound. […]