Boost Your Health, Grow Your Food

Boost your health – start with sprouts Start with sprouts One of the easiest ways of boosting your health and ensuring that you get the best quality, organic & freshest fruits & vegetables on tap, is to grow your own. Even if you start small with an indoor ‘sprouts’ garden for alfalfa, mung beans, pea […]
How To Lose Belly Fat

No amount of daily sit-ups will help you lose belly fat. Some lifestyle, exercise and dietary adjustments are necessary. Incorporate a few changes at a time so you are not overwhelmed. Exercise adjustments: Include HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) one to two times a week, for about 20 mins a session. Muscle tissue burns 3-5 times […]
5 Lifestyle Changes that Could Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks

Adopt these 5 “low-risk” behaviours to help reduce your chances of heart attack. Here are 5 Lifestyle Tips: Choose a healthy diet – eat freshly prepared wholefoods including clean protein, good fats, high fibre vegetables, seeds & nuts, legumes, lentils and eggs; avoid refined, processed choices. Be physically active – choose to exercise each day […]
What Happens in Your Body When You Exercise?

A large number of biological changes occur from head to toe, when you exercise. These changes occur in your: Muscles – which use glucose & ATP (a chemical compound that is in all living tissue), for contraction and movement. By increasing your breathing rate, more oxygen is introduced and your heart starts pumping more blood […]
Will I Get Big & Bulky Lifting Weights?

Many women are reluctant to start lifting weights, because they have visions of turning into female bodybuilders, with veins running through their biceps and chest. Keep in mind that these women are weight lifters to the extreme and their bodies are out of balance. This kind of build is not the typical result of weight lifting, because […]
Slow Metabolism? Fire it Up with These 4 Tips …

4 Tips to Fire Up your Metabolism: Do interval training – periodic fast-paced intervals raise your metabolic rate higher than a steady cardio workout can. Drink green tea – this really does impact on your metabolic rate. Some green teas are quite bitter in taste, so find one you like and drink 3 cups a day! […]