Merridy Casson Experienced Naturopath Adelaide

As an experienced and leading Adelaide naturopath in South Australia, Merridy Casson has a unique functional medicine approach which revolves around identifying the underlying cause of her client’s health concerns or disease 

Weight Loss Specialist

Achieving your desired weight involves much more than just burning more calories than you are eating. Make no mistake, calorie counting does not work. Better health and including an ideal body weight comes from eating good quality food. 

Skin Expert

Skin conditions require much more than creams and lotions to resolve.  They often reflect a number of other issues such as food intolerances, inflamed and dysfunctional gut, histamine sensitivity and mood disturbances.

Allergy Specialist

Taking antihistamines can offer short-term relief, but recognising what is triggering the reactions and improving both gut and immune function, dietary intake and detoxification if needed, will enable resolution of allergic reactions.

Who Is Merridy Casson

Experienced and Leading Adelaide Naturopath

Merridy has a unique functional medicine approach which revolves around identifying the underlying cause of her client’s health concerns or disease. Whether it relates to gut health, fatigue, skin complaints, sleep deprivation, hormonal imbalances, mental health, toxins, losing weight or dietary issues, Merridy works hard to pinpoint the reasons for poor health. Her treatment plans are simple, effective and customised to the individual. Her goal is to assist her clients to regain wellness and optimise their health using herbal medicine, dietary and lifestyle interventions through her natural health approach.

As a naturopathic doctor Merridy is at all times both professional and approachable. If further medical testing is required, she will recommend appropriate tests as needed. She also offers a number of tests in her clinic, which are available as required.

Merridy consults at Anzac Hwy Chiropractic Clinic

Anzac Highway Chiropractic 589 South Road, Everard Park, SA 5035


Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless


Detoxification is a natural metabolic process your body undertakes every day to help eliminate the.....


A healthy menstrual cycle generally reflects a healthy lifestyle. Changes in mood, along with symptoms


Your digestive system comprises of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, made up of organs including the mouth


If you are like one of the many women who have reached perimenopause or menopause and...

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS is an endocrine disorder associated with hormonal and cardiometabolic complications.


Congratulations on your decision to become parents and to optimise your health for both you and your baby


The skin plays an extremely important role in the body as a protective layer from bacteria as a body temperature


Sleep is a normal body process that allows the body and brain to rest. Even though we spend about


Stress does not discriminate on age or gender, with both men and women of any age feeling


There is so much conflicting information available to us today confusing many people


This term describes any condition that arises from your body’s defence or immune system ...


Fatigue makes everything we do seem more difficult and can rob us of enjoyment....


SIBO occurs in the small intestine as suggested and it can cause debilitating symptoms...


This is a progressive, multisystem and multi-symptom illness caused by an abnormal ...

Why Choose Us

Expertise You Can Trust

Merridy Casson is a seasoned naturopath and nutritionist in Adelaide, boasting years of experience helping individuals achieve their health goals.

Comprehensive Services

From nutritional counseling and herbal medicine to lifestyle recommendations and holistic therapies, Merridy offers a wide range of services to support your journey to wellness.

Compassionate Care

Your health and well-being are a priority, and Merridy is committed to providing compassionate care in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Personalised Approach:

Merridy recognises that no two individuals are alike, which is why she takes a personalised approach to your health journey. Through thorough consultations and comprehensive assessments.

How It Works?


Initial Consultation

Begin your journey to optimal health with an initial consultation. During this comprehensive session, you’ll meet with Merridy Casson, a experienced naturopath and nutritionist. 


Personalised Treatment Plan

Based on the information gathered during your initial consultation, Merridy will create a personalised treatment plan designed to address your health concerns and support your wellness goals.


Ongoing Support and Monitoring

Your journey to better health doesn’t end after your initial consultation. Merridy will provide ongoing support and monitoring to help you stay on track and achieve lasting results.

What is The Process Like?

Merridy’s professional solutions involve a holistic analysis of what has led to particular health issues developing and she will customise a plan to help the individual achieve a better balance in all areas.  She has numerous clinical success stories to share from her Adelaide clinic


Asked Questions

A naturopathic doctor takes the time to listen to the client, assess strategic treatments and to prioritise a path back to better health. A qualified naturopath holds a Degree in Health Sciences or the equivalent thereof. They are trained in the use of nutritional treatments, herbal medicine, vitamin and mineral therapeutics, stress management, massage, reflexology, clinical testing and so much more.

Merridy Casson is one of the best naturopaths in Adelaide as she offers practical, sustainable solutions for the long-term, while providing immediate support for acute conditions. She believes strongly that given the right nutrients, the body will heal itself and it is with this in mind that she seeks to help her clients restore their health. Her treatments include the use of nutritional and herbal medicine and lifestyle recommendations, which help make her solutions achievable and effective.

We often overlook the simplest of solutions when it comes to our health. Optimal health and happiness can be achieved with a clean, wholefood diet which largely avoids processed food. It starts with creating our meals from scratch using healthy fruits and vegetables, clean protein, good omega-3 fats, fibre, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds.


The reasons many people find it difficult to improve their health is that they are derailed by poor food choices and are overwhelmed by media hype. Often better health and more energy are only days away. We don’t need to work hard for 6 months to see and feel improvement. Merridy believes we can attain great health using the power of real food and this is constantly confirmed with her clinical outcomes.

The simple answer is no, but finding a qualified naturopath who has a strong reputation is highly advised. Checking reviews and feedback from clients regarding health outcomes, will ensure that you select an experienced and reputable naturopath.

Fees and costs involved vary a little from one practitioner to another, but will usually fall in the range of $150 – $400 for a 60-90 minute initial appointment, while follow-up appointments are somewhere between $95 – $200 for 30 minutes.

Making an Appointment

Merridy’s initial one-hour consultation enables her to gather a sound history of her client’s health and to construct a treatment plan for the client to follow. If subsequent follow up appointments and support are required, they will generally be 30 minutes in length.

Fees and charges for her services are fair and comparable with most naturopaths in Adelaide. Her many reviews of her services highlight her successful treatments and healthy outcomes.