Lose Belly Fat with these Two Key Dietary Changes

belly fat

No matter how well you exercise, if you are still eating processed foods, too many carbs and the wrong kinds of fat, all your efforts may be in vain.

Eating right is the key for weight loss success and it is crucial when you are trying to get rid of visceral fat around your internal organs.

Two vital dietary changes:

  1. Remove processed and refined carbohydrates and you will also remove other harmful chemicals and additives, that can slow down your metabolism. By choosing organic fruit and vegetables, you will also be avoiding herbicides and pesticides, and genetically engineered ingredients. 
  2. Replace the reduced carbohydrates with healthful fats like nuts and seeds, fish, avocado, olives, olive oil, coconut, coconut oil, organic eggs, unheated organic nut oils (eg. Macadamia nut oil). These fats are essential for many processes and reactions in the body. They satisfy our hunger for much longer than carbohydrates and provide a great source of fuel for energy.  … Add the right exercise and watch the fat melt off!

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